Year 6: Gallery
Y6 World Book Day - our last one in Primary School!, by Miss Halsall
Y6 Making circuits and switches for DT, by Miss Halsall
Y6 ROBINWOOD 2022, by Miss Halsall
Christmas Fun Day, by Mr Thomson
Y6 Science - Shadow Experiement, by Miss Halsall
Y6 - History - WW2 box, by Miss Halsall
Reception Year 6 Buddies, by Miss Gill
Y6 D&T - Altering bread recipes!, by Miss Halsall
Children In Need 2021, by Mr Thomson
Anti-bullying week 2021, by Mrs Thomas
Y6 - Stanley High school Visit 22nd September 2021, by Miss Halsall
Y6 - Greenbank High School 17th September 2021, by Miss Halsall
Y6 - Birkdale High School Trip 17th September 2021, by Miss Halsall
Circuit Class!, by R Halsall
Skipping!, by R Halsall
National Reflection Day, by E Thomas
JOY Time - Games Club, by Miss Halsall
Life in the Trenches, by Miss Halsall
Virtual Skipping Competition!, by Miss Halsall
Experience Harvest, by Mrs Griffiths