Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mrs Healy

Mrs Healy, Mrs Heaven, Mrs Sleeman and Mrs Eckersley would like to wish you a warm welcome to Year 5! 

Keep checking our page to see all the wonderful things we are doing in school; including photos, news and more! 

Class Teacher: Mrs Healy

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Heaven, Mrs Sleeman and Mrs Eckersley


Our Summer Term Learning

In English this term we will be looking at The Lost Book of Adventure from the note books of an Unkown Adventurer, will be writing our own survivalnarrative and our own survival guide.  In RE we will be looking at Judaism.  Our maths focus will  decimals, perimeter and area and shape with a focus on geometry.  In science we will be looking at space. We will also be going on an exciting trip to Chester Zoo!


Homework - Times Tables, Reading and Spellings
Please try to practise your spellings and times tables every day. Spellings will be given out each half term and are tested a Friday. Handwriting sheets will be sent out to aid the childrens letter formation.  

You should aim to read every night - even if it is just for 5 minutes - but the minimum is three times per week. Please remember to get your reading record signed by an adult but feel free to add a comment in yourself. Reading records will be checked every Friday

Maths and English homework will be set weekly on SATs Companion.  



Our PE lessons will be on Thursday with PDS. Please come into school on a Thursday in your PE kit. Don't forget to remove/cover any jewellery (including watches and earrings) and make sure your hair is tied up if it is long. You can bring in a roll-on deodorant only. 


Our class novel is: Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt


Files to Download

Year 5: JOY items

Just about alive...., by Mr Thomson

Chester Zoo, by Mr Thomson

Easter Service in Church, by Mr Thomson

Year 5: Gallery items