Year 5 2024 - 2025

Ms Hudson

Mrs Brown

Ms Hudson, Mrs Brown, Mrs Brant, Mrs Fitzsimons, Mrs Eckersley, Miss Jones and Mrs Maiden would like to wish you a warm welcome to Year 5! 

Keep checking our page to see all the wonderful things we are doing in school; including photos, news and more! 

Class Teachers: Ms Hudson and Mrs Brown

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Brant, Mrs Fitzsimons, Mrs Eckersley, Ms Jones and Mrs Maiden


This term's learning: 

Our value for this half term is: Truthfulness

In geography this term we will be learning about Brazil and South America, the culture of the county and the surrounding landscapes. 

In English we are studying 'The Promise' and writing our own character narratives as well as designing a persuasive leaflet about visiting Brazil. In maths, we are studying fractions. Mrs Brown will cover area and perimeter then move on to negative numbers.

Our RE learning is focusing on the Easter storyand Tackling The Blues sessions will continue to cover a number of PSHE topics.

In DT, we are going to be designing and making phone cases (or similar) and testing our sewing skills.

Our Science learning is 'Earth and Space' and the children are bombarding us with with questions, which is brilliant.

P.E is on Tuesdays with Emma Caunce - please come to school in your PE kit! Please see the uniform list for the appropriate kit that will be needed. Trainers are allowed to be worn. Don't forget to remove/cover any jewellery (including watches -and earrings) and make sure your hair is tied up if it is long.


Homework : Reading, Spellings and Timestables 

Reading - children should read at least 3 times per week - this is the minimum expectation! Reading records will be checked on a Friday and will need to be signed by an adult. 


Spellings - ~Year 5 have weekly spelling lists that are sent home at the start of each half term and spelling tests will be on a Friday. Please also practice Common Exception Words – see files below for the list! (Your child will be told which list they should be working on but if you have any queries, please contact us on dojo or in person for clarification).


TimesTables - It is really important for Year 5 to continue to practise their times tables as they should be working towards knowing up to 12 x 12. They can access Times Tables Rockstars at home as well as at school. d. Children can access TT Rockstars from home on an IPAD, tablet or PC. All they need is their login details which will be stuck inside their reading records. If they don't have them, please see Miss Halsall.


Class Novel : Ada's violin by Susan Hood as well as looking at a selection of poems from 'My Heart is a Poem'.


Files to Download

Year 5: JOY items

No Outsiders, by Mr Thomson

D.I.S.C.O., by Mr Thomson

St. John's Day, by Mr Thomson

Year 5: Gallery items

Colossal Cubes!, by Ms Hudson

History, by Ms Hudson