Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Moss
Year 2 Teacher
Miss Moss, Mrs Collantes and Mrs Preston wish you a warm welcome to Year 2!
Miss Moss will be teaching Year 2 Monday to Thursday.
Mrs Collantes will be teaching Year 2 every Friday.
Mrs Preston will cover PPA and teach Year 2 on a Thursday afternoon.
This half term, Spring 2, our school value is Truthfulness.
In English, we are reading the story, Grandad's Island by Benji Davies and exploring the adventures that Grandad and Syd embark. In Maths, we are continuing with multiplication and division and then we will be getting our measuring sticks and jugs out for measurement. We will be going back in time to look at toys and how they have developed and changed over many decades. We will be learning about Easter and why it is celebrated, in RE. In Art, we are looking practising some of our art skills through looking at self-portraits. Our PE this half term is gymnastics and our Science unit is focussing on plants.
Please do check Dojo regularly to see what we will be doing this half term and for any important updates you may need to know. If you need to get in contact with myself, please do so via Dojo or else at the beginning or end of the school day.
Did you know children that are able to read for 20 minutes a day get exposure to 2 million words each year!
In Year 2, we love to read. We will be spending much time reading together and independently exploring different genres of books. Children are also expected to read at least 3 times per week at home which should be recorded in their yellow reading records by an adult. Reading records will be checked and books will be changed on a Wednesday.
Your child may receive spellings which they are expected to practise at home. Spellings will be given out each half term. Children will be tested in school on a Wednesday.
P.E will be every Monday with Miss Moss. Please send your child to school wearing their P.E. kit. This should be a plain white t-shirt, school cardigan or jumper (which can be taken off for P.E.) and black shorts. No hoodies please. In colder weather, children can wear black jogging bottoms or leggings. Children should wear trainers or pumps.