On this page you will be able to find a wide range of information about our curriculum at St. John's. Learning objectives are all based around the National Curriculum. Some subjects follow commercial schemes but others such as geography and history follow a more bespoke approach created by our wonderful staff team. All learning is devised to impart knowledge and skills to our children in interesting and fun ways, providing JOY in living and learning.
Within each subject of the curriculum you will find:
Our statement of intent for that subject and how it is implemented at St. John's
The overview for that subject for this year
What the National Curiculum says
Information about that subject in the EYFS (Reception)
An example unit for some subjects.
You will find information about the curriculum studied in each year group by clicking on the page for each class.
In many of our wider curriculum subjects - for example, history, geography, science, art and DT - we have created our own bespoke knowledge organisers which detail the key knowledge and vocabulary to be learnt during a particular topic. These organisers are shared and revisited with children in class and are available to parents through Class Dojo and on class pages so that learning can be supported at home. Below you will find a copy of the letter sent to parents introducing our knowledge organisers and an example from Year 5 which shows how they could be used at home for revision, as stimulus for conversation or to inspire further work!
Should you have any questions about the curriculum your child will experience during their time at St. John's, please speak to class teachers in the first instance or I am always happy to help.
Thank you
Phil Thomson