School Performance
There are many ways to judge the perfornamce of our school and on this page we hope to direct you to a few sources that will give you information about how we spend the funding received from the government and the outcomes for the children as a result.
Here you will find:
1. Our pupil outcomes for the last 3 years. However, with our last full academic year being 2018/19, our results for that year only can be found on this page. The standard assessment process did not take place in 2020 or 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic but returns in MAy 2022.
2. Links to government performance and benchmarking sites. This enables us to compare our spending and outcomes against other similar schools.
3. Pupil Premium Spending Report. Children in receipt of additional pupil premium funding are allocated a certain amoutn extra each year. This page will explain more and provideyou with information about how the money is used to improve pupil outcomes at St. John's
4. P.E. funding report. The govenrment allocates some money specifically for the provision of PE and school sport. You can find out more about PE and school sport on this page as well as read the report on how the funding is spent.
5. COVID catch-up premium. As a result of the pandemic, the government has allocated a specific amount per pupil to aid the process of addressing 'lost learning' and enabling childrne to 'catch-up'. More details can be found on this page which includes information about how we have spent the money at St. John's.
As ever, if there is anything you are unsure of, please do not hesitate to contact me at St. John's on 01704 227441 or at