Experience Harvest
Lesson: Religious education
What a wonderful time we've had with Experience Harvest this year!
Thank you to Mr and Mrs Corbett and Mrs Frankland for helping us run this in the school hall this year rather than in church. The children have enjoyed moving around the three stations
Harvest of the Ocean
Harvest of the land and Harvest all around the world
Be prepared for children coming home to ask if they can raid cupboards to see where our produce comes from around the world! Mr and Mrs Corbett talked to the children about how important it is to appreciate how connected God's world is with food production and transportation. Each class are growing hyacinth bulbs and have planted sunflower seeds with Mrs Frankland so watch this space for updates on how these are getting on. Children were set the challenge from me to name as many different types of fish as they could! I shall announce the winner on Monday! We talked how amazing the ocean is and how many ways we use it and how we mustn't abuse it. We discussed the new lifeboat station is Southport and how brave the volunteers are who make the rescues. We looked at how Jesus showed his disciples to trust and follow him by the story of 'The Good Catch' from Luke's gospel chapter 5.
Please ask your children to tell you about their favourite part of the 'experience'.
Mrs Griffiths