Year 6 2024 - 2025
Miss Lovelock
A warm welcome to Year 6!
Keep checking our page to see all the wonderful things we are doing in school; including photos, news and more!
Class Teacher: Miss Lovelock
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Comstive, Mrs Fitzsimons, Mrs Sleeman, Mrs Patel, Mrs Eckersley
Volunteers: Mrs Corbett
Homework - Times Tables, Reading and Spellings
Please try to practise your spellings and times tables every day. Spellings will be given out each half term and are tested a Friday.
You should aim to read every night - even if it is just for 5 minutes - but the minimum is three per week. Please remember to get your reading record signed by an adult but feel free to add a comment in yourself. Reading records will be checked every Friday. You are responsibile for changing your own reading book.
Maths and English homework will be set weekly.
Our PE lessons will be on Thursday with PDS. Please come into school on a Thursday in your PE kit. Don't forget to remove/cover any jewellery (including watches and earrings) and make sure your hair is tied up if it is long. You can bring in a roll-on deodorant only.
Swimming lessons will take place on a Thursday for 10 weeks. A letter will be sent home when the lessons are due to start. A reminder that no jewellery (including earrings) are permitted. Swimming caps can be bought from the school office for £2.
What are we learning about this term?
In maths, we are consolidationg knowledge in all areas of the subject and developing arithmetic and reasoning skills. In English, we are enjoying writing in lots of different genres for different audiences and purposes. We will be learning about 'marvellous maps' in geography and evolution in Science. In art, we are looking at Monet's style and techniques. In addition to our half termly values, we will be focusing on Hinduism in RE - exploring different rituals and rights of passage.
Files to Download
Year 6: JOY items
Year 6: Gallery items
Rec and Y6 Winter Wonderland, by Miss Gill
Rec and Year 6 Santa Dash, by Miss Gill
Year 6 Residential to Robinwood, by Miss Lovelock