Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mr Willmott
Welcome to Year 1.
Class teacher – Mr Willmott
Teaching assistants – Mrs Lawson and Mrs Jakstaite
Our learning this term:
Our value for this term is Compassion.
This term in maths we will be continuing with addition and subtraction and introducing multiplication.
Our English focus will be based on the text ‘Hermelin’ and we will be writing a recount and letter.
In Science we will continue to learning about everyday materials and our Geography focus will be learning about the UK.
In RE we will be looking at ‘Believing’ including special things in both Christianity and Judaism.
In Art we will be creating paper sculptures using a variety of techniques.
As before, if the children have any news or achievements we would love to share them at school so please feel free to send certificates or photographs into class.
Reading- Reading books will continue to be sent home on a weekly basis.
Reading books will be changed on a Thursday . We suggest that the children read to an adult each night at home and our expectation is that the children read a minimum of 3 times per week. Each week the children will bring home 3 reading books which will be changed on a Thursday. Your child will be reading in groups and to teachers throughout the week so please ensure that they bring their book bag into school each day.
If you would like to check how to pronounce some of the phonemes we have been learning in phonics please click on the link below. This will take you to our phonics scheme 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds' - parents page. Scroll down to see three different videos for our phases.
This term, our P.E lesson will be on Monday afternoon. Please send your child to school in their full P.E kit. In colder temperatures, your child is welcome to wear joggers/ leggings to keep them warm.
Medical Conditions
A quick reminder! If your child has a medical condition that we need to know about, please inform us as soon as possible. If your child requires an inhaler or any other medication, please make sure it has been returned to school and it is not out of date.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year we are always here to have a chat. Please come over and chat on the playground after school or if you would like a longer discussion then please contact school on Dojo or via the school office and we can arrange a time and date.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Mr Willmott
Files to Download
Year 1: JOY items
Christmas JOY!, by Mr Thomson
Pudsey Day 2024!, by Mr Thomson
World Mental Health Day, by Mr Thomson